Important Updates to the Peer Recovery Services Field in Nevada

Directed by new state legislation (SB 69), there are several new updates to be aware of regarding Peer Support Services in Nevada.

Update #1: Becoming a Certified Peer Support Specialist Supervisor?

The Nevada Certification Board (NCB) has created a new state certification to assist in the continued growth of Peer Recovery Services. The Peer Recovery Support Specialist Supervisor (PRSS-S) will provide many benefits to the field, including ensuring well qualified supervisors understand what Peer services are, how to maximize peer services within the community, and provide proper guidance to Peer Support Specialist Interns (PRSS-I). Additionally, this position allows for employment progression for Peers within their scope of work without additional education or licensure needed.

Anyone who is currently or considering supervising Peers in Nevada will need to become certified PRSS-S by August 1st, 2023, to continue supervision. Peers will not be able to have their 500 work experience hours signed off in Certemy by a non-certified PRSS-S after that time.

NEW Requirements in Nevada for becoming a PRSS Supervisor:

  • Completion of a PRSS Supervisor Training Curriculum approved by NCB
  • Have been a certified PRSS for 2 years OR a has a bachelor’s degree and two years experience in the behavioral health field OR has a master’ degree and one year experience in the behavioral health field.
  • Agrees to PRSS Code of Ethics and Peer Supervisor Attestation
  • Maximum number of Peers can supervise at a time: Eight
  • Must meet with each supervisee bimonthly
  • Direct observation of supervisee quarterly
  • May be a satellite supervisor
  • Must live or work in Nevada at least 50% of the time

Current Approved PRSS Supervisor Trainings

  1. 2 ½ day in-person training offered by Foundation for Recovery. Email Sara Cerruto at for more info.
    • January 16th-18th, Las Vegas
    • March 7-9, Las Vegas
    • May 23-25, Virtual
  2. Online mix of self-paced modules and one 4 hour live Zoom session by OhioMAS
    • First Friday of every month (subject to change)

NCB will continue to approve additional training and will update them on the NCB website and listserv.

READY To apply?

  1. PRSS Supervisor Application
  2. Complete the 7 steps within Certemy. The circles will be red, once you submit the required content, they will turn green. After NCB approves the step, it will be green with a checkmark. The NCB has 10 business days to verify each step. (If a step is rejected, Certemy will alert you as why it was rejected and what needs to be done to resolve the issue.)
  3. $125 application fee
  4. Once the NCB has verified your completion, your PRSS Supervisor Certificate will be uploaded in the “Digital Wallet” tab in Certemy.

The Nevada Certification Board recommends that you maintain your current PRSS certification even when you become a PRSS-S. If you are still providing direct Peer Services, a current PRSS certificate is still required. Additionally, if you go back to Peer Services and let your PRSS certification lapse, there are additional fees to become recertified.

Update #2: New Changes to Becoming A Peer Recovery Support Specialist

Based on SB 69, there are changes to the process of becoming a certified PRSS which will also go into effect on August 1st, 2023.  Anyone who is receiving compensation for peer recovery support services will need to be certified. Changes to the PRSS application will ensure that everyone is in compliance as a Peer Recovery Support Specialist Intern (PRSS-I) designation has been created. No requirements have been changed to become a certified PRSS, just the process to certification.

The PRSS-I Flowchart has been updated as well as the application process within Certemy.

Additional resources may be found on the CASAT OnDemand Resources & Downloads page.

This article was developed by Jordan Baez, M.S., PRSS-S, CHW II. Feel free to use, link to, or distribute this information. A link to our site and attribution would be much appreciated.

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