The Rise and Fall and Rise of Marijuana in America
Dufton, M. (2017). Grass Roots: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Marijuana in America. New York: Basic Books.
This book explains the up and down history of marijuana in the US through from the time of the grassroots activists of the mid-20th century to the present.
The cannabis health index: Combining the science of medical marijuana with mindfulness techniques to heal 100 chronic symptoms and diseases
Blesching, U. (2015). The cannabis health index: Combining the science of medical marijuana with mindfulness techniques to heal 100 chronic symptoms and diseases. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.
This comprehensive sourcebook combines evidence-based insights from more than 1,000 studies from cannabinoid and consciousness research to present a convincing case for the powerful healing effects of medical marijuana on over 100 chronic symptoms and diseases.
Marijuana: The Unbiased Truth about the World’s Most Popular Weed
Hill, Kevin P. P.H.D. (2015). Marijuana: The Unbiased Truth about the World’s Most Popular Weed. Center City MN. Hazelden Publishing.
The leading clinical expert on marijuana sifts through the myths about the drug to deliver an unbiased, comprehensive guide backed by scientific facts to give you the information you need to make informed decisions about marijuana.
Marijuana and Madness 2nd Edition
Marijuana and Madness 2nd Edition. Editors David Castle, Robin Murray and Deepak D’souza.
This book outlines the very latest developments in our understanding of the human cannabinoid system and links this knowledge to clinical and epidemiological facts about the impact of cannabis on mental health. Clinically focused chapters review not only the direct psychomimetic properties of cannabis, but also the impact consumption has on the courses of evolving or established mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. Effects of cannabis on mood are reviewed, as are its effects on cognition.
Brave New Weed: Adventures into the Uncharted World of Cannabis
Dolce, J. (2017). Brave New Weed: Adventures into the Uncharted World of Cannabis. S.l.: Harper Wave.
The book adventures into the fascinating “brave new world” of cannabis, tracing its history and possible future as he investigates the social, medical, legal, and cultural ramifications of this surprisingly versatile plant. The author paints a fresh and much-needed portrait of cannabis, our changing attitudes toward it, and the brave new direction science and cultural acceptance are leading us.
Weed the People: The Future of Legal Marijuana in America.
This book allows readers a look into the future of Marijuana in the US. As legalization of medicinal and recreational marijuana in many states has already made numerous changes, this book asks what will this new world look like and how will people be expected to behave in society?
Marijuana legalization: What everyone needs to know
Caulkins, J. P., Kilmer, B., & Kleiman, M. (2016). Marijuana legalization: What everyone needs to know. New York: Oxford University Press
(From Amazon) This second edition discusses what is happening with marijuana policy, describing both the risks and the benefits of using marijuana, without taking sides in the legalization debate. It details the potential gains and losses from legalization, explores the “middle ground” options between prohibition and commercialized production, and considers the likely impacts of legal marijuana on occasional users, daily users, patients, parents, and employers – and even on drug traffickers
Manuals and Guides
Brief Counseling for Marijuana Dependence: A Manual for Treating Adults
Brief Counseling for Marijuana Dependence: A Manual for Treating Adults
This manual, based on research protocol from the Marijuana Treatment Project, provides guidelines for counselors, social workers, and psychologists in both public and private settings. Ten weekly one-on-one sessions offer examples of how counselors can help clients understand certain topics, keep their determination to change, learn new skills, and access needed community supports. (208 pgs.)
Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) (ROAR 3312)
Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States: Results from the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) (ROAR 3312)
This report presents 2016 national estimates of use of alcohol, tobacco products, illicit drugs (such as, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, and inhalants, as well as the misuse of opioids, prescription pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives), substance use disorders, and substance use treatment among people 12 years of age and older
Marijuana: Facts Teenagers need to Know
Marijuana: Facts Teenagers need to Know
What is marijuana and how does it affect the user’s everyday life? This colorful brochure answers these questions and many more. Marijuana: Facts for Teens also examines the short-term and long-term effects of marijuana use, signs that someone has been using marijuana, ways that marijuana affects driving ability, and possible harm marijuana use may do to a person’s brain
Drug Court Practitioner Fact Sheet
Drug Court Practitioner Fact Sheet
A critical review of relevant research and cannabinoid detection guidance for drug courts. It looks at various studies that researchers have found cannabinoids in the body after use.
The Controlled Substances Act
The Controlled Substances Act
This link provides an overview of the controlled Substance Act of 1970 signed by President Nixon that classified marijuana as an illegal substance.
The DEA’s Position on Marijuana
The DEA’s Position on Marijuana
70-page paper explaining the DEA’s position on paper indicating results from numerous studies and facts
Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know
Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know
NIDA booklet answers some of the most frequently asked questions about marijuana, provides the latest scientific information, and suggests ways to talk to teenagers about marijuana use. This is a companion booklet to the teen brochure Marijuana: Facts for Teens.(32 pgs,)
Preventing Youth Marijuana Use
Preventing Youth Marijuana Use
This CAPT decision-support tool offers a comprehensive listing of available data resources and surveys developed by and for a range of federal agencies and that collect data on marijuana use and its consequences

Current Top Websites
SAMHSA provides facts on marijuana—the most commonly used illicit drug in the U.S.—including its effects and information on marijuana surveillance, laws and policies, and prevention guides.
This NCSL Deep Dive on Marijuana is a one stop shop for the newest policy trends and ideas. It provides important information on an array of topics in a visibly appealing format.
(From website) Marijuana use is a hot topic, with many states having already legalized the drug for medical and/or recreational use and other states pushing for similar legalization. Marijuana has been controversial in the United States for decades.
A detailed account of how cannabis was used in the ancient world.
Explores the latest research on marijuana, including the scope of marijuana use in the U.S., health consequences, its effects on every-day activities, available treatments. (2012)
A History of the illegalization of Marijuana from a collaboration of the History departments of Ohio State and Miami University.

Marijuana: A short history
Hudak, J. (2016). Marijuana: A short history. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
Marijuana: A Short History profiles the politics and policies concerning the five-leaf plant in the United States and around the world
High in America: The True Story behind NORML and the Politics of Marijuana
Anderson, P. (2015). High in America: The True Story behind NORML and the Politics of Marijuana. Garrett County Press.
(From Amazon) High in America, the definitive history of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML). This is the story of the birth of contemporary pot politics. Veteran journalist Patrick Anderson, in spectacular detail, recounts how a young lawyer from a small town, Keith Stroup, built an insanely successful political operation that advocated for the millions of Americans stuck in the marijuana closet.
Analyst Reports
Pew Research Center about Legalization of Marijuana
61% of Americans support Marijuana Legalization (January 18)
Latest Tools

Cannabis Information and Support
Australian website that provides three great tools below to get you started. Each offers opportunity to think about how you will quit, the support you may need and guidance for getting through the some of the trickier parts of giving up marijuana.

Preventing Youth Marijuana Use: Factors Associated with Use
This CAPT decision-support tool offers a summary of research findings on risk and protective factors associated with youth marijuana use.
News Articles
Senator Schumer and many other politicians are lessening their tough stance against marijuana at the federal level.
After overriding the Governor’s veto, Maine’s legislature has to begin to make the rules for legalization in Maine.
Struggling to hire, some companies are relaxing corporate drug policies in non-safety specific occupations.
A look into how and why alcohol prohibition was repealed but not marijuana.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) no longer opposes the legal use of marijuana. She saw the changing times and responded with this quote. “My state has legalized marijuana for personal use, and as California continues to implement this law, we need to ensure we have strong safety rules to prevent impaired driving and youth access, similar to other public health issues like alcohol.
New data shows evidence of how much legalization is endangering drivers in legalized states. Some numbers include: Marijuana-impaired driving fatalities have more than doubled (13 in 2012 to 27 in 2016); One in five drivers are under the influence of marijuana. That is up from one in 10 prior to legalization, 64.2% of respondents who reported using marijuana and driving stated they didn’t think it impaired their ability to drive at all.
Webinars and Online Trainings
Marijuana Lit: Fact Based Information to Assist you in Providing SUD Services.
The ATTC network provides useful videos and resources on marijuana. The videos focus on marijuana’s effects on the body, youth and families, pregnancy, medical use, and legalization. The website also provides 2 webinars: Marijuana Legalization: Impact on Youth Wellness and Marijuana: The Unbiased Truth about the World’s Most Popular Weed.
Webinar: Marijuana and the Workplace
Discussion from experts, Dr. Barry Sample, Senior Director of Science and Technology, Quest Diagnostics, and D. Faye Caldwell, Attorney at Law, Caldwell Everson, will help to separate marijuana fact from fiction in both the legal and scientific landscapes.
Gateway Foundation: Altered States: Marijuana, the Brain and Legalization
As the taboo surrounding marijuana appears to dissipate, the webinar will serve as an important reminder regarding the health repercussions and legal implications associated with marijuana.