How Naloxone Saves Lives

How Can We Help?

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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has made the opioid epidemic a priority, launching a multi-institute effort to find scientific solutions to the crisis. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is doing its part by getting the word out about the life-saving medication naloxone. Recently, MedlinePlus partnered with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to produce an animation about the treatment. Naloxone might be thought of as an antidote to opioid overdose. It works fast to reverse overdose effects, and it’s safe and easy to use. Even people untrained in health care can carry and use the naloxone nasal spray or injector—and possibly save a life.

How Naloxone Save Lives is a sharable video that explains how naloxone works, when to use it, and how it is administered. Please feel free to pass this Youtube video along.