Nevada 2-1-1 Research Report, An Analysis of How Well People Get the Help They Need

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Nevada 2-1-1 is part of a nationwide network of call centers that provides information and referral services to Nevada residents. Information available to callers includes basic human services, physical and mental health resources, employment support services, programs for children, youth, and families, support for seniors and persons with disabilities, and support for community crisis and disaster recovery. The Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of Community Partnerships and Grants (OCPG) commissioned a research study to:

  • Determine the responsiveness of the service delivery system and whether or not the referrals provided by Nevada 2-1-1 med the needs of callers
  • Measure callers’ satisfaction with the service provided by Nevada 2-1-1

The Nevada 2-1-1 Research Report, An Analysis of How Well People Get the Help They Need, contains the results of the research study.