Telehealth Resources, Links, and Tools

How Can We Help?

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Many of the following resources were developed early in the COVID-19/Corona virus pandemic to help behavioral health providers to accommodate people faced with recommendations for social distancing, face coverings, and other means to reduce the risk of becoming ill or spreading disease.

The Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network, the Center for Excellence on Protected Health Information (CoE-PHI), the National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers, and the Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT) at the University of Nevada – Reno (UNR) are facilitating a FREE, national online discussion and resource sharing opportunity for substance use disorder (SUD) treatment providers and peer support specialists faced with transitioning their services to the use of telephone and videoconferencing methods in response to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines. The ATTC also has a plethora of toolkits, print media, multimedia and other materials in their Products & Resources Catalog

The Prevention Technology Transfer Center Network (PTTC) to assist prevention professionals as they transition to delivering services and programming from face-to-face to virtual settings. Additional resources will be added to this page as they are developed. Resources include videos, Podcasts, and Print media.

The Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC) has responded to the current public health emergency by providing definitions and evidence base for telehealth. Upcoming events by the MHTTC include best practices, adaptations, and innovations for telehealth available in the MHTTC Products and Resources page.

Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) resource links for multiple audiences, including American Indian and Alaska Native communities. Register here to view SPRC’s new webinar on telehealth with suicidal patients. For more resources on telehealth and suicide, visit Zero Suicide’s Providing Suicide Care During COVID-19.

Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network Resources

 Building Telehealth Capacity – The Center for Connected Health Policy defines telehealth as “Telehealth is a collection of means or methods for enhancing health care, public health and health education delivery and support using telecommunications technologies.” Given the current public health emergency, telehealth has become an essential way to provide mental health services.

SAMHSA Telehealth Resources

The National Council for Behavioral Health web site